AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS - an audio adventure tour - not quite a game, not quite an audio tour... it's something in between ... a hybrid of sorts!
In 2012, i worked with Dr. Christy Dena of Universe Creation 101 to help imagine and develop visual parts of her audio game. The prototype I worked on was Finalist for the "Best Writing in a Game” category at the 2012 Freeplay Independent Games Festival.
Thoughts Discussed & Considered:
What kind of user experience works best with a 'game experience' that has never been tried before?  Will it have the same feel as an ARG? How different will be the opposing worlds look visually? emotionally? philosophically?

Designing rooms and color patterns out of abstractions was both intense and a lot of fun.
Morgue - I actually visited a real morgue to research what it was like to be there. Part of conceptual artwork is being able to convey the emotion and the feeling even if the concept is 'light' and 'whimsical'.
Before the office room even got to these color stages, there were lots and lots of preliminary sketches.

Design changes for the autopsy office/lunch room (where the specimens are housed). Conversations on the audio adventure tour between the philosopher and time traveller begin here.
AUTHENTIC In ALL CAPS the audio adventure is available for the IPAD.

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