Workshop Facilitator and Guest Instructor
Narration and Storyboarding for VR360 (UBC)
In 2018, I was invited to guest lecture and teach a workshop at UBC (Masters of Education in Technology students). I designed a course/workshop to help students learn how to use 360 degree filming to bring stories to life.
Strategy: I broke down and analyzed the definition of a narrative structure using the dramatic arc and then created techniques to help envision what people would see from their POV. We analyzed storylines against the dramatic arc and pre-structured our thoughts using visual panels before going out into the world to shoot. We used the 'clock' technique to determine where we were in relation to the 360 view. This was helpful in offering orientation as to how to design storyboards. The results were very successful! It was a pleasure to view and a nice surprise to see how advanced the videos were produced.
Here is a brief summary of my teachings. Lesson plans to follow.

We used the Ricoh Theta as well as the Nano360 to take video. Here I am holding the camera. You can only see my thumb.

The group was divided into five subgroups dedicated to realizing their own visions.