V-Unframed 2023 features twelve amazing XR projects. My first project entitled "Awaken the Giants" was first displayed at this popular show in 2021. Fast forward two years to 2023 and we have been invited again to share our new project "Dragon Magic, Freedom Giants".
Special thank you and gratitude to Fanny Surzur from Alliance Francaise and Yangos Hadjiyannis of Kreis Immersive. Our project was very well received by the public. It was an amazing feeling to hear people's honest feedback and excited responses. Also... big HUGS to the volunteers (I will have to get your names) who helped out. You were indispensable!
Where: Beaumont Studios
Date: nov 24-Nov 26 2023

My friend tried VR for the first time:
"We cannot believe how magical this felt. It was incredible! Thank you for inviting us" - Engin
"Excellent project. Impressive! One of the more popular ones!" - Royal Bank