It's 2024 and I'm so thrilled to have been given a Logitech MX Stylus by the team at Logitech. I first saw this little periphery at AWE 2024 Long Beach and wondered how I would be able to use it as part of my production pipeline. By September, the logitech team had introduced the stylus to market and after a pleasant encounter with an old friend, I had this little gadget in my hands - a somewhat surprising present for Xmas!
Thank you to special friend Aaron Hilton who connected with me from Japan of all places and who communicated my enthusiasm to the Logitech folks! This is definitely a happy moment for this member of the Digital Dojo.
Yep it's Jan 2025
Fast forward a few weeks and I'm writing from home where I am looking back at my entire December vacation with a tinge of regret. Instead of creating 'artistry' or doing anything productive for that matter, I was hit by two bouts of viruses that laid me by the wayside for a few drawn-out weeks. My holiday 'gift' instead was a user journey through the lens of the winter flu.
It's been 10 days of convalescence and now that things are finally getting healthy... we are heading back into the work grind again. Life it seems is NOT fair but at the same time... maybe kind of hilarious in a black humor kind of way.
I look forward to moving from my holiday of lows into the bright and cheerful crispness of 2025. Until then, enjoy your last hours of holiday joy!